
I’m Vanessa, nice to meet you! I’m a creative and detail-oriented Associate Fashion Designer looking for new design opportunities.

  • Accustomed to multi-tasking and working on multiple projects and brands of various brand identities at once

  • Offers extensive knowledge of PLM systems and Adobe programs.

  • Great communicator and known for responsibility and hard work. Very passionate about designing clothing that provokes motion, as well as promoting sustainability in the fashion industry.

I have worked at Express for almost four years working on Cut & Sew knit Tops, bodysuits, dresses and jumpsuits. I work on core essentials, fashion, lounge and our wildly popular Bodycontour collection. Before that, I was at Macys for a few years designing Alfani, INC, Charter Club and Jenni sleepwear, innerwear, lounge and slipper categories. I focused mainly on Alfani and INC.

I am open to new Designer roles to grow in my career. Contact me below!
